Pet Odors And Why Professional Cleaning Helps

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Pet Odors And Why Professional Cleaning Helps

23 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you have pets, then there can be a lot of different pet odors you can end up with on your carpet. When most people think of pet odors, they think of pet urine stains. While it is true that urine stains can make up the majority of pet odors pet owners end up dealing with, there are others you can read about in this article as well. You can also review information on some advantages of having professionals come out to get rid of the pet odors for you. 

Urine, feces, and vomit

Urine odors in the carpet can be a big problem for pet owners. However, feces and vomit that get on the carpet can also cause bad odors that linger. When these messes soil the carpet, they can go underneath the surface of the carpet, where it will be much harder for you to remove all the odor-causing stains. A professional carpet cleaning removes all signs of the stain, including the down-deep odors. 

Oils on a dog's coat

Dogs have oils on their coats. There can be many reasons why these oils can be especially pungent, including the dog rolling in foul-smelling things, active allergies, various bacteria, yeast infections, or even just changes in the composition of the dog's skin. When the dog lies on the carpet, these oils can come off its coat and be left behind on the carpet. The result can be those odors lingering in the house and causing it to smell bad. A professional carpet cleaner can come out and use a solution that gets rid of these oils, as well as the bad smells left behind by them. 

Anal gland secretions

Some dogs have issues with their anal glands. These anal glands are sacs located on either side of the anus, and they can end up filling with anal secretions. When full, these secretions can leak out and the result is a very distinct and extremely foul and noticeable smell that can get on the carpet and cause the house to smell horrible. You won't be able to see where these secretions are, so it will be almost impossible for you to clean them. Even if you did find them, they would be hard to get out with your household cleaners. When professional carpet cleaners come, they can clean the whole carpet with solutions that remove the secretions and their accompanying odors.

To learn more about pet odor removal, contact a cleaning service in your area.