3 Reasons Post-Construction Cleanup Is Needed

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3 Reasons Post-Construction Cleanup Is Needed

23 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Once a home has been constructed, there is one more important job that needs to be done before that home is ready to be moved into, and that is the cleanup. Not only will post-construction cleanup ensure that there is nothing in or around the home that can harm someone, but it also makes the home look ready to move in. You can learn about three of the important reasons why post-construction cleanup needs to be done before moving into a home by reading the information here: 

Dangerous materials will be removed

One of the things that are often left around a construction site after the construction job is completed is materials that can be dangerous. One example of this can be seen in things like nails or staples that can be left in areas where they were used. If these things don't get cleaned up, then they can lead to someone walking on them and being injured in the process. Another example of a potentially dangerous situation can be seen in the plastic packaging or even small items that may be left around the site that can pose a choking risk for small children and even pets. Post-construction cleanup will make sure all of these leftover materials are cleaned up, along with everything else left over. 

Residues and stickers will be removed

You might not understand just how many stickers there are in a newly constructed home, but the answer is that there are many of them. Just some of the many things that can have stickers or labels affixed to them include the windows, the faucets, the mirrors, the appliances, and many others. These are things that need to be removed during the post-construction cleanup. However, when you remove the stickers and labels, there will often be adhesive left that looks bad and will even accumulate dirt. The adhesive left behind will also be carefully removed, so no one can tell there were ever stickers on the materials. 

Debris and particles will be cleaned up

After a home has been constructed, there will be a lot of debris left behind that isn't just the leftover materials and packaging, but comes in the way of the dust from the drywall and the sawdust from the wood. This stuff will likely be all over the house, from the window sills and in the tubs and basins to all along the baseboards and many other places. All this stuff is cleaned up with post-construction cleanup, so everything looks as brand new as it is.