Why Radon Testing Is Important for Your Home

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Why Radon Testing Is Important for Your Home

8 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Radon is a radioactive gas that occurs naturally in the ground and often gets into homes through cracks in basements and foundations as the gas rises through the surface. Testing can be done to detect this gas and can help you take measures to protect yourself and your family. Here are the main reasons why radon testing is important for your home.

Lung Cancer Prevention

Even though radon can be found naturally in the air and doesn't usually cause health problems when people are exposed to minimal amounts, the chances of developing lung cancer can increase significantly if you're exposed to large amounts of radon over a prolonged period of time. Excessive radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoking, and radon home testing can alert you if the gas is in your home so that you can become proactive in preventing your family's lung cancer risks. 

Radon Is Difficult to Detect

Without the proper testing, radon can be nearly impossible to detect in a home. Given that radon is invisible because of its colorless properties and isn't able to be felt, smelled, or tasted, detecting radon can only be done through sophisticated testing methods to identify the presence of the gas. Some households experience radon exposure for years without realizing the problem, so it's important to have your home tested as soon as possible. 

Better for Home Resale Value

If you're trying to sell your home, having it tested for radon can help you get a better deal. People may be willing to offer you more money for your house if radon home testing and other safety testing has been performed. After your radon home inspection is complete with a passing grade, you can get a certificate from the inspector stating that your home meets radon safety guidelines and show this document to potential homebuyers.

Useful for Identifying Underlying Home Damage

If high radon amounts are detected in your home, you can also know whether underlying home damage exists. You may not have known about the cracks in your foundation or other structures that are letting radon into your home, and you can have these problems fixed to decrease radon exposure and additional problems.

You can stop the problem of radon exposure if you have radon home testing conducted and take the proper corrective measures to resolve the issue. Scheduling a radon inspection should be on every homeowner's to-do list.