Wood-Burning Fireplace Maintenance: What You Need To Know

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Wood-Burning Fireplace Maintenance: What You Need To Know

17 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

A wood-burning fireplace is a wonderful feature to have in any home, especially if you live in a colder climate. There's nothing quite like the ambiance and warmth of crackling wood on a fire. Still, a wood-burning fireplace comes with some important maintenance and care responsibilities. If you're new to owning a home with this type of fireplace, you might wonder where to begin with regular maintenance. 

Schedule an Annual Inspection

Start by having the fireplace and chimney professionally inspected before you use it for the first time, especially if you suspect the fireplace has not been used in a while. From there, annual inspections are a good idea to stay on top of repairs as they become necessary. An experienced professional will take a close look not just at the fireplace itself, but the chimney as well.

Opt For Regular Chimney Cleanings

Speaking of chimneys, make sure you're having yours cleaned at least once a year (and possibly more if you plan on using your wood-burning fireplace frequently). Chimney cleanings are important because each time you enjoy a fire, soot and creosote (a very flammable material) build up inside the surface of your chimney. Over time, this can become a fire hazard if not removed.

Choose the Right Wood

Believe it or not, not all wood is created equal. Wood that has a high moisture content, for example, may produce more creosote when they burn off. Ideally, you'll want to stick to very dry woods for the cleanest burning fire. Hardwoods such as maple and oak are usually good choices here because they tend to try out faster and thus contain less moisture.

Clean Your Fireplace After Each Use

While your chimney may only need cleaning once or twice a year, you should take the time to clean and sweep out your fireplace after each time you use it. Not only will this keep your fireplace looking its best, but it will also improve the efficiency of your fireplace and allow it to more effectively heat your living space. To avoid inhaling harmful debris, be sure to wear a dust mask when cleaning heavy soot and ash out of your fireplace.

There's a lot to keep in mind when it comes to caring for a wood-burning fireplace. However, with a little practice (and help from the right chimney repair and cleaning service), you can keep yours in great shape for years to come. Find chimney repair services in your area today.