Getting Ready To Reopen Your Office? How To Prepare For The Commercial Cleaning Service

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Getting Ready To Reopen Your Office? How To Prepare For The Commercial Cleaning Service

11 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If your office has been closed due to the coronavirus, you should have it cleaned before you open up for business again. Even if you kept your office neat and tidy while it was open for business, it's going to need extra attention now. The most important thing you can do is hire a commercial cleaning service. They can make sure that everything is cleaned and ready to go. Here are four steps you can take to help ensure a thorough cleaning project. 

Clear the Counters

While your office has been closed, your counters may have collected a lot of dust. Not only that, you might not have sanitized the counters before you closed the doors. To make sure the counters get cleaned and sanitized, clear everything away before the cleaning service arrives. Leaving the counters bare will give your cleaning service the ability to provide a thorough cleaning. 

Expose the Windows

If you haven't had the windows cleaned in a while, they may need some extra care and attention. To do that, the cleaners will need access to the glass. If you have shades or blinds on your commercial windows, have those removed before the cleaning service comes in. That way, they have complete access to the entire window surface. Don't forget to have them clean the outside surface of the windows, as well. 

Move the Furniture

Now that you're getting your office ready for reopening, don't forget about the floors. Office floors take the brunt of the abuse, especially during the rainy months. Not only that, but there could also be germs and mold lurking in tiled and carpeted areas. To get the floors clean and sanitary, you want to expose as much of the floors as possible. The best way to do that is to move the furniture. Don't forget to have a stain protectant applied to the carpeted areas of your office. That way, they're protected from mud stains this winter. 

Schedule an Entire Day

If you need to get your office ready to reopen, make sure you give the cleaning service enough time to get the job done right. Under ordinary circumstances, office cleaning can get done in a few hours. But, when your office has been shut down for a few months, you need to give the cleaning crew an entire day of uninterrupted access. This is especially important when you also need to have the office sanitized before reopening.

If you're thinking about reopening your office, a commercial building cleaning is a perfect fit for you.