The Important Points Homeowners Need To Know About Crime Scene Cleanup Services

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The Important Points Homeowners Need To Know About Crime Scene Cleanup Services

16 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If someone was the victim of a crime or committed suicide in your home, then you will need to enlist the help of a crime scene cleanup company to remove the biological hazard from your house. Blood and other bodily fluids can harbor dangerous viruses and bacteria that can make others ill for weeks, so the scene must be cleaned up in a timely manner.

While trauma scene cleanup is the last thing most homeowners want to think about or tackle themselves, this is a vital service when it is necessary to have done.

Thankfully, crime scene cleanup costs are often covered by your homeowner's insurance policy. However, it's still important you have a clear understanding of the professional clean-up process to ensure you receive the necessary services your insurance is paying for.

Listed below is an overview of the important points homeowners need to know about crime scene cleanup services.

The Police or Medical Responders Won't Do Any Cleaning Tasks

While the police will respond to the crime scene, you should not expect them to do anything towards the clean-up process. In fact, they may take fingerprints and perform other investigative tasks that make the mess in your home even worse. And, they won't clean up after themselves. Instead, they will instruct you to call your homeowner's insurance agent and have a crime scene cleaning company dispatched.

Similarly to the cops, medical professionals will respond to the scene and will remove the deceased or injured person, but they will not do anything towards cleaning up what's left behind.

Biological Waste Requires Special Disposal in Accordance with OSHA Regulations

When cleaning up the scene of a crime or physical trauma with human blood or tissue contamination, the cleaning company must follow the blood-borne pathogens standard laid out by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). This standard requires the cleaner wear special personal protection gear and that they dispose of any materials coming into contact with human blood, other bodily fluids, or tissue in a safe manner with a specialized biohazard disposal company.

There are No Official Certifications or Licensing Requirements for Crime Scene Cleanup Companies

Finally, it's important to note there are no official licensing requirements or certifications for cleaning companies that want to offer trauma scene cleanup services. So, it's important to carefully evaluate companies who make claims of special licensing or certification to determine exactly what those qualifications actually mean.